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Successful farmers work hard to maximize their yields. So do we.


Contact Information:

3316 9th Street
Lubbock, TX 79409

(361) 446-1067

Margaret Shields
(361) 446-1067

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BASF Cereal Grains

Company Description

To ensure crops can grow to their full potential, farmers count on products and services to help them produce crops in higher quantities but also make them tastier and more nutritious. At BASF, we are committed to providing tailor-made solutions to farmers that help them grow their crops in the best possible way - all around the world.

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  • - Cereals
  • - Corn
  • - Cotton
  • - Canola
  • - Grapes
  • - Potatoes
  • - Rice
  • - Soy
  • - Tree Nuts
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