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Texas A&M Agrilife Research

 The state’s premier research and technology development agency in agriculture, natural resources, and the life sciences




Contact Information:

Texas A&M Agrilife Research

Agriculture and Life Sciences Building
600 John Kimbrough Boulevard
Suite 512
College Station, TX 77843

(979) 845-8486

Wenwei Xu
(806) 723-8436

University Website

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Texas A&M Agrilife Research on plant diseases


Texas A&M AgriLife Research is the state’s premier research agency in agriculture, natural resources and the life sciences. We conduct hundreds of projects spanning many scientific disciplines to deliver life-sustaining and industry-changing impacts to Texans and around the world. We are a state agriculture agency part of Texas A&M AgriLife, which allows us to fund research across many fields.

Agency at a glance: Fiscal Year 2021

  • 2,200+ employees
  • 430+ doctoral-level faculty
  • $126 Million in awarded research funding
  • $223+ Million in total research expenditures
  • 2.4+ Million in royalties from intellectual property
  • #1 in six of the past eight years in natural resources research expenditures
  • $4.4 million in commodity expenditures
  • Texas A&M Agrilife Research Pest study


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