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TriCal Superior Forage

TriCal Forage is the leading source of triticale varieties for forage, grain, and cover crop use in the U.S.




Contact Information:

TriCal Superior Forage

388 Canyon Creek Circle
Weatherford, TX 76087

(970) 214-3642

Drew Morano
(970) 214-3642

Company Website


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Company Information

TriCal Ace Triticale


TriCal Forage is the leading source of triticale varieties for forage, grain, and cover crop use in the U.S.

Compared to common wheat and other cereal grains that developed over thousands of years, triticale has come far as a crop in an extremely short time. In the 30 years or so since the first experimental varieties, triticale has become established as an important crop in diverse markets worldwide. Created by combining wheat and rye into a new species, triticale combines the advantages of both parent species for grain and forage. As a forage, triticale is valuable for pasture, silage, and hay. It is the ideal double-crop complement to corn silage, forage sorghum, and other summer annuals. It works well planted alone, in blends with peas and other annual forages, and with perennial forages as a companion crop at planting or interseeded into older stands.

TriCal Hybrid Flex Triticale

As a grain, triticale is an outstanding feed, and delicious and healthful food grain. Triticale grain has been found to be an excellent choice in Europe for production of ethanol.

Triticale offers the high yields, value, and superior tolerances to drought, low pH, and important diseases and insects needed to be profitable in global markets. Its inclusion in crop rotations can help meet important needs concerning water use, soil conservation, and environmental quality


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  • - Oats
  • - Triticale
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